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– Kabir –

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“When the eyes and ears are open, even the leaves on the trees teach like pages from the Scriptures.”

– Kabir –

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  • Beware of the Doug

    Ask the typical individual to describe meditation and they may picture Lululemon-clad influencers gazing off into the distance seated next to their infinity pool. Or perhaps robed monks seated lotus-style bathed in incense smoke. If your understanding of meditation is limited to such stereotypes we urge you to think again. Consider, for example, that the >>>>

  • Understanding flow

    Genuine, lasting happiness is an internal state of being. Finding it outside oneself is a fool's errand (and, unfortunately, what a majority of humans practice). This was the verdict of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, whose observations of people's struggles during and after World War II led him to a lifelong study of what, exactly, happiness is >>>>

  • Meditation

    Of all the practices we recommend, this is the one that matters most. In fact, your quest for the truth about yourself may begin - and end - with this meditation. The reason: meditation alone creates the space between these anxious, hyperactive minds of ours and the innate wisdom that lies deep within us >>>>

  • Psychedelics category

    Everywhere you turn, it seems, psychological sufferers - including a growing number of therapists and physicians treating them - are turning to psychedelics or, more specifically, 'psychedelic-assisted therapy,' to cure suffering. At the risk of harshing a lot of people's buzzes, it's unlikely that MDMA, psilocybin, ketamine, LSD, ayahuasca and a host of other mind-bending >>>>

  • Spiritual Synchronicity

    Today a few words on the mysterious, spiritual guidance we receive when we most need it are actually open to it. Carl Jung labeled this phenomenon synchronicity, and though there is no scientific evidence for it, countless numbers of us from around the world swear by such moments. Call it woman's intuition, a gut instinct, >>>>

  • Dark Retreats

    Would you be willing to immerse yourself in a manmade cave without light for a day, a week, or longer, with the hope of accessing some mysterious and potentially life-changing aspect of your self? That's the idea behind 'dark retreats,' a modern approach to an ancient and advanced Buddhist practice during which participants spend extended >>>>

  • The universe

    The material world is not what we perceive it to be. This is the age-old message of the mystics, sages, and seers. But it's also become a central discovery of modern science. Assuming we're open-minded and humble enough to accept this bizarre idea, our lives can be improved for the better. Albert Einstein, who spent >>>>

  • Journaling

    If the expansion of self-awareness, consciousness, and emotional intelligence represent an inward journey, then a journal of that experience is a must. The reasons? You Are Here Today you have a pretty clear picture of who you are. If you've taken our assessments, they've similarly painted a scientific picture of your personality and so on. >>>>

  • You may not be thinking about enhanced alpha and beta oscillations in your brain when walking or petting your dog, but that's precisely what's happening and it's good for you. In fact, recent research has found that spending time with a dog delivers notable decreases in feelings of fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Participants in the >>>>

  • Listening

    "Frankly, I had never thought of listening as an important subject by itself . But now that I am aware of it, I think that perhaps 80% of my work depends on my listening to someone, or on someone else listening to me." Those were the words of a Chicago area manufacturing executive published in >>>>

  • Talk about self-inquiry

    Self-inquiry is a mainstay of many Eastern philosophical and spiritual traditions that places an emphasis on the student's persistent investigation into who, exactly, he or she is. In a sense, it is the ultimate self-inventory. As with meditation, the practice of self-inquiry is considered an important and effective approach to quieting the mind and allowing >>>>

  • Science of journaling

    Most people don't know themselves nearly as well as they think they do. That's probably why you're here (well, that awareness and the courage and humility to admit it). It is precisely because of these blind spots that a journal can be such a powerful instrument for self-development, personal improvement, and inner growth. In fact, >>>>

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