This site is for that tiny little band of humans grown weary of this world; the ones mysteriously called to the spiritual journey and its search for truth, for God, for the peace that surpasses understanding.
This site is for that tiny little band of humans grown weary of this world; the ones mysteriously called to the spiritual journey and its search for truth, for God, for the peace that surpasses understanding.
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In the campy 1980 comedy, Caddyshack, disheveled groundskeeper Carl Spackler (played by a brilliant Bill Murray) relates a story about caddying for the Dalai Lama. As Spackler tells it, the >>>>
It's not often that a scientist becomes a subject for his own research; even less common when said scientist describes his brain as 'breaking' during the experiment. But that's precisely >>>>
Sensory deprivation via natural or manmade caves has now become, if not routine, certainly more commonplace. In recent months Outside and National Geographic have run stories on the practice, which >>>>
Using fMRI technology, scientists for the first time have revealed significant - albeit temporary - changes in the brain function of individuals using psilocybin, a hallucinogen known more casually as >>>>
Read enough stories on the topic of spiritual awakening and you'll discover a common vein running through all of them: the eradication of the one doing the seeking. Spiritual awakening, >>>>
The material world is not what we perceive it to be. This is the age-old message of the mystics, sages, and seers. But it's also become a central discovery of >>>>
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