“When the eyes and ears are open, even the leaves on the trees teach like pages from the Scriptures.”
– Kabir –
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You're on a journey. And like any good journey, you'll want to keep a travelogue of your experiences. We recommend a journal. In fact, we recommend a really nice one with maybe leather binding and built to last. Why? Because this could (and should) be the most important journey of your life . And depending >>>>
Of all the practices we recommend, this is the one that matters most. In fact, your quest for a happier and more meaningful life could start - and end - here. The reason: meditation alone creates the space between these anxious, hyperactive minds of ours and the innate wisdom that lies deep within us >>>>
It's one of the world's oldest pieces of advice, if you can call it that: know thyself. Yet despite its longevity and embrace by virtually every philosophical and spiritual heavyweight of the past 2,500 years, few of us across time and place have made it a focus in our efforts to improve our lives, reduce >>>>
For as long as self-aware humans have occupied this planet, they've been busy attempting to understand and improve themselves. In this post, we'll look at vision quests, which actually lends itself to other aspects of personal development, including meditation, mindfulness, silence, and self-inquiry. Although there is evidence vision quests have been practiced for thousands of >>>>
Genuine, lasting happiness is an internal state of being. Finding it outside oneself is a fool's errand (and, unfortunately, what a majority of humans practice). This was the verdict of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, whose observations of people's struggles during and after World War II led him to a lifelong study of what, exactly, happiness is >>>>
Flow is an ecstatic state of being first studied and later codified by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. His pioneering work has since been corroborated by neuroscientists, who have discovered that brains in a state of flow power down the prefrontal cortex, which establishes the sense of self and the memories that go with it. In other >>>>
Ask the typical individual to describe meditation and they'll likely picture robed monks seated lotus-style in a shroud of incense smoke. Or, Lululemon-clad influencers gazing across a picturesque landscape next to their infinity pool. Or, a hall full of New Age types uniformly chanting 'ohm.' Any of these could be accurate. But if your understanding >>>>
The French polymath, Blaise Pascal, said all of humankind's problems were tied to one behavioral deficit: our inability to sit quietly in a room doing nothing . What about you? How often on a given day or week do you sit in silence? If you're like most, your answer is rarely if ever. And that, >>>>
Most of us are so busy living our lives - often feeling as if we can barely keep our heads above water - that there is little if any time left for contemplating what matters most: ourselves. Which is a tragedy, really, because there is a growing body of research demonstrating that self-awareness - and >>>>
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Four Winds Foundation (FWF) offers opportunities for people to experience conscious community and deep connection >>>>
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