Stop the World, I Want to Get Off
Once upon a time during the early 1970s I lived with my father on the top floor of an apartment building situated a dozen or so miles from downtown Washington, D.C. One morning shortly before departing for his secretive Pentagon job, my father announced >>>>
How Contemplative Meditation Opens the Door to Deeper States
In the autumn of 2006 I took up temporary residence in a small town in the mountains of New Mexico. Still wrestling with some fairly acute inner demons, I yearned for extended stretches of silence and remote, solitary nature walks. My routine was simple: >>>>
Returning Yoga to Its Spiritual Roots
In the campy 1980 comedy, Caddyshack, disheveled groundskeeper Carl Spackler (played by a brilliant Bill Murray) relates a story about caddying for the Dalai Lama. As Spackler tells it, the game ends and no traditional cash gratuity is forthcoming. "Hey Lama," Spackler recalls saying >>>>
The Mischievous Paradox Lurking Within Enlightenment
Read enough stories on the topic of spiritual awakening and you'll discover a common vein running through all of them: the eradication of the one doing the seeking. Spiritual awakening, writes David Carse, is letting go of "this constant propping up of the belief >>>>
Let’s Talk About Flow
Genuine, lasting happiness is an internal state of being. Finding it outside oneself is a fool's errand (and, unfortunately, what a majority of humans practice). This was the verdict of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, whose observations of people's struggles during and after World War II >>>>
Why Dogs Are So Doggone Good for You
You may not be thinking about enhanced alpha and beta oscillations in your brain when walking or petting your dog, but that's precisely what's happening and it's good for you. In fact, recent research has found that spending time with a dog delivers notable >>>>
Going With Your Flow
Flow is an ecstatic state of being first studied and later codified by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. His pioneering work has since been corroborated by neuroscientists, who have discovered that brains in a state of flow power down the prefrontal cortex, which establishes the sense >>>>
Stop the World, I Want to Get Off
Once upon a time during the early 1970s I lived with my father on the top floor of an apartment building situated a dozen or so miles from downtown Washington, D.C. One morning shortly before departing for his secretive Pentagon job, my father announced >>>>
How Contemplative Meditation Opens the Door to Deeper States
In the autumn of 2006 I took up temporary residence in a small town in the mountains of New Mexico. Still wrestling with some fairly acute inner demons, I yearned for extended stretches of silence and remote, solitary nature walks. My routine was simple: >>>>
Returning Yoga to Its Spiritual Roots
In the campy 1980 comedy, Caddyshack, disheveled groundskeeper Carl Spackler (played by a brilliant Bill Murray) relates a story about caddying for the Dalai Lama. As Spackler tells it, the game ends and no traditional cash gratuity is forthcoming. "Hey Lama," Spackler recalls saying >>>>
The Mischievous Paradox Lurking Within Enlightenment
Read enough stories on the topic of spiritual awakening and you'll discover a common vein running through all of them: the eradication of the one doing the seeking. Spiritual awakening, writes David Carse, is letting go of "this constant propping up of the belief >>>>
Let’s Talk About Flow
Genuine, lasting happiness is an internal state of being. Finding it outside oneself is a fool's errand (and, unfortunately, what a majority of humans practice). This was the verdict of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, whose observations of people's struggles during and after World War II >>>>
Why Dogs Are So Doggone Good for You
You may not be thinking about enhanced alpha and beta oscillations in your brain when walking or petting your dog, but that's precisely what's happening and it's good for you. In fact, recent research has found that spending time with a dog delivers notable >>>>
Going With Your Flow
Flow is an ecstatic state of being first studied and later codified by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. His pioneering work has since been corroborated by neuroscientists, who have discovered that brains in a state of flow power down the prefrontal cortex, which establishes the sense >>>>