Stop the World, I Want to Get Off
Once upon a time during the early 1970s I lived with my father on the top floor of an apartment building situated a dozen or so miles from downtown Washington, D.C. One morning shortly before departing for his secretive Pentagon job, my father announced >>>>
What’s Up With the Whole Beware of the Doug Thing?
This site is for individuals eager - even desperate - to toss off the yoke of the old life, the old ways of thinking about and doing things. Maybe you're tired of being anxious and unhappy or lonely and listless. Doesn't really matter why. >>>>
Is There Anybody Home?
When David Carse experienced a complete spiritual awakening, a critical component of that experience as the complete recognition that he did not exist, had never existed; that 'there was nobody home.' Carse saw what the sages and seers have been pointing to across the >>>>
A DIY Vision Quest
During my teens I'd stumbled across, and become fascinated with, the idea of a Native American-inspired vision quest. Coming from a controlling and demeaning childhood, the idea of venturing into the wilds in search of a guiding vision sounded exhilarating. Suddenly unencumbered of a >>>>
A Darkness Retreat for Your Soul
Would you be willing to immerse yourself in a manmade cave without light for a day, a week, or longer, with the hope of accessing some mysterious and potentially life-changing aspect of your self? That's the idea behind 'dark retreats,' a modern approach to >>>>
The Spiritual Lesson in Materialism
The material world is not what we perceive it to be. This is the age-old message of the mystics, sages, and seers. But it's also become a central discovery of modern science. Assuming we're open-minded and humble enough to accept this bizarre idea, our >>>>
Let’s Talk About Journaling
If the expansion of self-awareness, consciousness, and emotional intelligence represent an inward journey, then a journal of that experience is a must. The reasons? You Are Here Today you have a pretty clear picture of who you are. If you've taken our assessments, they've >>>>
Let’s Talk About Self-Inquiry
Self-inquiry is a mainstay of many Eastern philosophical and spiritual traditions that places an emphasis on the student's persistent investigation into who, exactly, he or she is. In a sense, it is the ultimate self-inventory. As with meditation, the practice of self-inquiry is considered >>>>
3 Big Reasons for Keeping a Self-Awareness Journal
Most people don't know themselves nearly as well as they think they do. That's probably why you're here (well, that awareness and the courage and humility to admit it). It is precisely because of these blind spots that a journal can be such a >>>>
Stop the World, I Want to Get Off
Once upon a time during the early 1970s I lived with my father on the top floor of an apartment building situated a dozen or so miles from downtown Washington, D.C. One morning shortly before departing for his secretive Pentagon job, my father announced >>>>
What’s Up With the Whole Beware of the Doug Thing?
This site is for individuals eager - even desperate - to toss off the yoke of the old life, the old ways of thinking about and doing things. Maybe you're tired of being anxious and unhappy or lonely and listless. Doesn't really matter why. >>>>
Is There Anybody Home?
When David Carse experienced a complete spiritual awakening, a critical component of that experience as the complete recognition that he did not exist, had never existed; that 'there was nobody home.' Carse saw what the sages and seers have been pointing to across the >>>>
A DIY Vision Quest
During my teens I'd stumbled across, and become fascinated with, the idea of a Native American-inspired vision quest. Coming from a controlling and demeaning childhood, the idea of venturing into the wilds in search of a guiding vision sounded exhilarating. Suddenly unencumbered of a >>>>
A Darkness Retreat for Your Soul
Would you be willing to immerse yourself in a manmade cave without light for a day, a week, or longer, with the hope of accessing some mysterious and potentially life-changing aspect of your self? That's the idea behind 'dark retreats,' a modern approach to >>>>
The Spiritual Lesson in Materialism
The material world is not what we perceive it to be. This is the age-old message of the mystics, sages, and seers. But it's also become a central discovery of modern science. Assuming we're open-minded and humble enough to accept this bizarre idea, our >>>>
Let’s Talk About Journaling
If the expansion of self-awareness, consciousness, and emotional intelligence represent an inward journey, then a journal of that experience is a must. The reasons? You Are Here Today you have a pretty clear picture of who you are. If you've taken our assessments, they've >>>>
Let’s Talk About Self-Inquiry
Self-inquiry is a mainstay of many Eastern philosophical and spiritual traditions that places an emphasis on the student's persistent investigation into who, exactly, he or she is. In a sense, it is the ultimate self-inventory. As with meditation, the practice of self-inquiry is considered >>>>
3 Big Reasons for Keeping a Self-Awareness Journal
Most people don't know themselves nearly as well as they think they do. That's probably why you're here (well, that awareness and the courage and humility to admit it). It is precisely because of these blind spots that a journal can be such a >>>>