“There is no other teacher but your own soul.”
– Swami Vivekananda –
“There is no other teacher but your own soul.”
– Swami Vivekananda –
This is a long list – really long. If it’s listed I feel it adds something of value to the search. As always, make your own determinations.
This is a long list – really long. If it’s listed I feel it adds something of value to the search. As always, make your own determinations.
During his time as a globe-trotting spiritual teacher, Joel Goldsmith produced an incredible body of written and recorded work. Virtually all of it was spontaneously delivered, first in person, later in written and recorded form. The cornerstone to his teachings was a philosophy he termed, The Infinite Way, which was the hub through which all of his other teachings emanated. In addition to The Infinite Way, I’ve listed numerous other Goldsmith books I’ve read, including: A Parenthesis In Eternity, The Thunder of Silence, The Contemplative Life, The Heart of Mysticism, The Foundations of Mysticism, The Realization of Oneness, Conscious Union With God, The Art of Spiritual Healing, Practicing the Presence, The Joel Goldsmith Reader, Wisdoms of the Infinite Way, Living the Infinite Way, Living Between Two Worlds, Man Was Not Born to Cry, and The Secret of the Twenty-Third Psalm.
Robert Adams never wrote any books. But fortunately for us, students recorded many of his talks and then transcribed them into a collection titled, Silence of the Heart. This was the book that introduced me to the concept of Advaita Vedanta and quite literally changed the source of my spiritual journey forever.
Ramana Maharshi received visitors from all over the world, and though he spent most of those visits in complete silence, his oral teachings were often jotted down by those in attendance. David Godman (what a perfectly suited name) was one such early visitor and opted – even in the wake of Ramana’s death – never to leave. He has become the world’s preeminent scholar on Ramana’s teachings and captured many of them beautifully in this little gem of a book, Be As You Are.
David Carse penned the miracle that is Perfect Brilliant Stillness after his profound spiritual awakening in the Amazon. This book is the best I’ve read on what it means to discover ‘there’s nobody home’ and that the self is pure awareness itself. Carse is a terrific writer and does his best to articulate what cannot be articulated. For a real treat, purchase a copy of the audio version narrated by the actor, Terrence Stamp. I’ve listened to it multiple times and always come away with something new and revealing.
Using the Heart Sutra as its backbone, The Open Secret employs a collection of essays, poetry, dialogs, and epigrams to tackle the human mind, self, space-time, illusion, and other metaphysical musings through the lens of Zen Buddhism.
William Samuel kicks off his book, Awareness and Tranquility, with this teaser: “Reader, I have discovered a peace of mind and tranquility that are utterly beyond belief – and with the discovery has come the ability to communicate it to others.” Which he does in this and other books, detailing the awareness and gentle presence at the core of all human beings awaiting our own discovery.
William Samuel kicks off his book, Awareness and Tranquility, with this teaser: “Reader, I have discovered a peace of mind and tranquility that are utterly beyond belief – and with the discovery has come the ability to communicate it to others.” Which he does in this and other books, detailing the awareness and gentle presence at the core of all human beings awaiting our own discovery.